sábado, 3 de julho de 2021

Music: embraces cultures / crosses frontiers

Laura Barreto (10.ºB)

Music unites people,

breaks the barrier of language. 

Like a human being, it has feelings,

It has life, it has its problems.


All the cultures trying hard,

All the time, and never stopping.

Talking, writing to each other; 

Never understanding one another.


All of this is really tiring

But there's one thing in common

Because when you're feeling down

That's what you use to recover.


Music is the key to all of these

Misunderstandings and problems

If you wanna talk to any person

You can just turn on the music.


People will get to know you

Your culture, your country

Your feelings and issues

And will make you understand them.


Even if you can't sing, you can still make this work.

Play your playlist, invite a friend

And you will find out things you never knew.

No âmbito de CD/10º ano-Port/Inglês; domínio “Interculturalidade”

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