quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2023


I have here with me, 

A box full of dreams, 

As good as it seems, 

A life as I wish. 


We can be hopeless 

But if we dream 

It tastes like strawberry ice cream 

With sprinkles on top. 


Let's live this for once 

While we have the chance 

Run to grab our dreams 

Work to make them real. 


But when you wake up, 

You know it wasn’t real, 

It was just your ideal 

And nothing more. 


Wake up and decide, 

Just do your best deal 

Make your dreams alive, 

Make them all feel real! 

-by Laura Barreto

John F. Kennedy once said that we need human beings who dream of what they’ve never been.

I challenge whoever is reading this to ponder over the first thing that came to your mind when you read the word 'dream'. Was it a daydream or a nightdream?

Was it the luxury you dream of obtaining in an “unreachable” future or the incredible illusions created by the human mind in such vulnerable moments as in your sweet sleep?

Well, dear reader, I certainly can't tell you that if you wish hard enough, you’ll eventually get the unicorns you dreamt of last night. But I can certainly tell you that you can get everything you daydreamed about.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. And yes, I know, it's much easier said than done. But, come on, think of your most desired fantasy and now imagine it becoming a reality in the near future. Doesn't it feel good? Isn't it worth all the effort it takes to get there?

Or maybe you just want to be another average person among all the other average people. I mean, I wouldn't judge you, but I don't think that's what you're really looking for, is it?

You only have one life. One. So live it by your own rules.

I believe in you,

Your secret friend

Drawings in the infinite swirling sky

Riddles that are never decoded

Enlightening moments of pure harmony

Anticipation of happiness

Magic conjured by hope and bliss

Sublime sensation of freedom.

by A permanent dreamer

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