sábado, 2 de dezembro de 2023

Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson - A Book Review by Bianca Neto

This year for the project Ler+, we are taking 15 minutes of every class on Thursday to read, and I decided that during those 15 minutes I would finally get to read Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson, which has been on my list for quite a while because it is a fantasy book and I'm quite skeptical about those. Yet now that I finally got to read it, it did not disappoint.
My thoughts on this book at the beginning weren't amazing, yes it was good, but it started pretty slowly. Fortunately, it picked up on page 50 or so, after that point, it became a roller-coaster of emotions.
We feel so much sadness, happiness, anger plus many other emotions. It's a really excellent book. All the characters have depth and are developed and no character is an exception to this rule, even background ones.
It’s fast-paced and a must-read for fantasy lovers. However, not everything is perfect. Some scenes were made to have some kind of importance and then left behind as somewhat of a plot hole we don't get much explanation for. But the amazing writing, character development and even the fantasy world, which is so well thought out and meticulously planned, more than make up for these small slip-ups.
I would give it a 5/5, I did not want to put it down and I had lots of fun (and occasionally lots of tears) reading it. If you like fantasy, you will likely love this.

Bianca Neto, aluna do 8º C

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