sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2021

What drives you crazy in times of COVID-19?

By Dinis Cândido (10B)

I was between four walls

Fearing the outside

Missing the beach balls

Thinking that we need to hide.


No one to talk

was driving me crazy.

I was completely locked

and quite lazy.


I need to be responsible

and always be protected.

Nothing is impossible,

and I can be infected.


We need to go back to schools

and with marks, shine.

Always respecting the rules

Everything will be fine.

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Entrevista a Sandra Galante

Entrevista a Sandra Galante,  Embaixadora Digital do Centro de Formação Nova Ágora,  pelos alunos Carolina, Alícia e Martim da EB1 "Os ...