sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2021

What drives me crazy in times of COVID-19?

By Leonor Carvalho (11ºC)


COVID 19. That was the word I heard every time I turned my TV on. And it was that word that I put at the top of the page of my diary every single day after 13th March 2020. After the closure of schools, my life changed completely.

At the beginning I thought that being at home was the best thing that could happen to me but, after some weeks, I started to change my mind. My routine was only waking up early, getting dressed, eating something, and going to online classes.

I hated online classes: it was all so distant and impersonal… There were some days I couldn’t hear a single word in the class because my internet was overloaded with my mother working online, my brother having online classes or doing some work, and me trying to hear a little bit of the video call. After the online classes, I had lunch and I returned to lock myself in my room, where I stayed until 6.00 – 7.00 p.m., trying to understand the material of each subject. The only moment of the day that I left my house was when I went for a walk at the end of the day: I could do that because I live in a small village. It was a sick life.

I think no one was expecting that this virus could really stop the entire world… Every time people spoke about major worldwide epidemics, I always thought that nowadays things like that would never happen again: present day medicine is so evolved and our hygiene care and lifestyle have improved so much over the years… An epidemic would be almost impossible… And then, COVID 19 appears and taught us a lesson.


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