quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2023

“Dancing with the birds”

No âmbito dos conteúdos de inglês do 9º ano foi pedido aos alunos para elaborarem “a film review”, em que apresentassem a sua opinião sobre um filme ou série que já viram. A aluna Beatriz Costa, da turma B de 9.º ano, pediu para escrever sobre um documentário e este é o texto e a ilustração (rei-da-saxónia -Pteridophora alberti) com que nos presenteou e que partilhamos.

“Dancing with the birds”

Many people like to watch films or series but I prefer documentaries! I am a nature and animal lover and there are lots of documentaries about these topics so, when I watch this type of TV shows, I can learn more about what I like and relax at the same time.

“Dancing with the birds” is a Netflix documentary created in 2019 and directed by Huw Cordey. It is about birds-of-paradise and their incredible ways to attract females during mating season. Some of the species that are shown are the King-of-Saxony-bird-of-paradise (Pteridophora alberti) and the Superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba).These birds’ performances are really unique, such as dancing, building nests and even mimicking other sounds just to impress a mate.
My favourite bird presented in this documentary is the MacGregor’s bowerbird (Amblyornis macgregoriae) because it builds a giant nest with a big column in the middle using sticks, moss and leaves. And there’s more, it also mimics sounds to impress a female. Isn't that incredible?
If you like birds and nature in general, this one hour documentary is perfect for you!

Texto e ilustração de Beatriz Costa, aluna do 9º B

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